
لغات موضوعی آیلتس با عنوان روابط

در مقالات قبل در رابطه با تقسیم بندی کلمات بر اساس موضوع و تاثیر آن ها بر یادگیری و بالا بردن سطح زبان شما صحبت کردیم. در این صفحه نیز بر آن شده ایم تا با تعدادی دیگر از لغات و کالوکیشن های ضروری موضوعات پرتکرار آیلتس ، لغات موضوعی ایلتس با عنوان روابط ، در خدمت شما باشیم.

لغات موضوعی ایلتس با عنوان روابط

لغات و کالوکیشن های پرتکرار با موضوع روابط People and Relationships

یکی از موضوعات پرتکرار آزمون آیلتس که اکنون می خواهیم به آن بپردازیم، موضوع “روابط مختلف بین مردم” می باشد. این موضوع ممکن است در حالت های مختلف به عنوان سوال مطرح شود. در روز آزمون مکالمه می توانید از کلمات و عبارات پیشنهاد شده که در ادامه آمده اند، کمک بگیرید.

  1. Conventional

Tending to follow what is done or considered acceptable by society in general; normal and ordinary, and perhaps not very interesting

  1. (Cooperative (co-operative

Involving doing something together or working together with others towards a shared aim

  1. Flexible

Able to change to suit new conditions or situations

  1. Colleague

A person that you work with, especially in a profession or a business

  1. Sibling

Each of two or more children or offspring having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister.

  1. Employer

A person or company that pays people to work for them.

  1. (Client (clients

A person or organization using the services of a lawyer or other professional person or company.

  1. (Spouse (spouses

A husband or wife, considered in relation to their partner.

  1. Autonomous

Of a country or region) having the freedom to govern itself or control its own affairs)

  • Efficient

Of a person) working in a well-organized and competent way)

  • Idealistic

Characterized by idealism; unrealistically aiming for perfection

  • Tolerant

Showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.

  • Vulnerable

Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

  • To socialize

To meet with friends and other people in a friendly way

  • To live in harmony with one another

To live with others in a way which avoids conflict or disagreement

  • To make small talk

To talk in a polite way about unimportant matters such as the weather

  • To have a laid-back attitude

To be relaxed, not worrying about anything

  • to be socially acceptable

Agreed or approved of by most people in a society

  • Discourteous

Having bad manners and showing no respect for other people

  • (Segregate somebody (from somebody

To separate people of different races, religions

  • (To discriminate (on the grounds of something

To treat one person or group worse/better than another in an unfair way

  • Color bar

A social system which does not allow black people the same rights as white people

  • To have social skills

To have the personal skills required for successful communication and interaction

نکته مهم در هنگام یادگیری لغات موضوعی ایلتس با عنوان روابط این است که باید کلمات را با اصول یاد بگیرید. سعی کنید حتما تلفظ صحیح لغات موضوعی ایلتس با عنوان روابط را به همراه مثال های مرتبط آن ها در دیکشنری یا گوگل پیدا کنید.

مصاحبه ی مکالمه آزمون آیلتس با موضوع روابط People and Relationships

برای تسلط بیشتر و بهتر در روز آزمون اسپیکینگ خود سعی کنید با مطالعه نمونه سوالات پرتکرار آزمون با موضوع روابط و لغات موضوعی ایلتس با عنوان روابط و تطبیق جواب سوالات با ویژگی های شخصی خود، هرچه بیشتر و بهتر برای امتحان آماده شوید. به لغات و کالوکیشن های ضروری موضوعات پرتکرار آیلتس در پاسخ سوالات دقت کنید و سعی داشته باشید که آن ها را در عبارت به خاطر بسپارید. هم چنین برای تعدادی از لغات، لغات هم معنی آورده شده است. با استفاده از آن ها و تنوع بخشی به پاسخ خود، گرفتن نمره ی بالاتر در آیلتس خود را تضمین کنید.

.Describe a person who has influenced you to do better in your life

:You should say

  • who this person is
  • how you know him/her
  • what this person does
  • .And explain how this person has influenced you to do better in life


We owe a lot to some people around us because it is them, who help us, one way or another, to become the persons we are today. But, we can probably single out our “teachers” among them to be the “most important”. Today, I would like to talk about one such teacher – my English teacher that is – who influenced me significantly to do better in my life.

His name was Mr. Hang Sen, and he used to teach me English at my college. I came to know about him for the first time when I wanted to enroll for an “English Composition” class, but unfortunately the class was full, and my request for enrolment was denied (because there usually is a high number of college applicants in China but rather limited number of seats) until, of course, I could manage a “special permission from Mr. Hang. So, I rushed to him and asked for his permission. However, he wasn’t very happy to see me but allowed me in his class, nonetheless.

Anyway, from the very first day in his class, Mr. Hang made it absolutely clear that he meant only “business” and that he was going to make English really “easy” for us. In fact, Mr. Hang sometimes used to ask each of his students separately if they understood his lecture. He even used to ask us about how many hours of our study schedules were exactly spent in teach English every day in order to make sure that we were indeed serious about learning English.

Mr. Hang really inspired me to do better in life as he was never really ready to give up on me (I was really “bad” in English), or any other of his students, until I succeeded. In fact, it was because of his relentless efforts that I have learned to express my thoughts in English today. Finally, it was Mr. Hang who taught me to never give up on my dreams no matter how many times I failed, and how difficult were the circumstances around me.

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