
لغات موضوعی ایلتس با عنوان شغل

در مقالات قبل در رابطه با تقسیم بندی کلمات بر اساس موضوع و تاثیر آن ها بر یادگیری و بالا بردن سطح زبان شما صحبت کردیم. در این صفحه نیز بر آن شده ایم تا با تعدادی دیگر از لغات و کالوکیشن های ضروری موضوعات پرتکرار آیلتس در خدمت شما باشیم. در این مقاله از آموزش لغات پر تکرار آیلتس میخواهیم لغات موضوعی و کالوکیشن های ضروری ایلتس با عنوان شغل را بررسی کنیم .

لغات موضوعی ایلتس با عنوان شغل

لغات و کالوکیشن های پرتکرار ایلتس با موضوع شغل Business

  1. To balance the books

To not spend more money than you are earning

  1. To be self-employed

To work for yourself/to not work for an employer

  1. Cut throat competition

When one company lowers its prices, forcing other companies to do the same, sometimes to a point where business becomes unprofitable

  1. To do market research

To do research into what potential customers would or wouldn’t buy

  1. To draw up a business plan

To write a plan for a new business

  1. To earn a living

To earn money

  1. To go bust

When a business is forced to close because it is unsuccessful

  1. Cash flow

The money coming in and going out of a business

  1. To go into business with

To join another person to start or expand a business

  1. To go it alone

To start your own business

  1. To go under

(See ‘to go bust’)

  1. To have a web presence

To have a website or social media profile that showcases your business

  1. To lay someone off

When a company ends an employee’s contract of employment

  1. Lifestyle business

A business that is set up to bring in a sufficient income and no more

  1. To make a profit

To earn more money than it costs to run the business

  1. Niche business

A business that serves a small, particular market

  1. To raise a company profile

To make more people aware of a business

  1. To run your own business

To have a business of your own

  1. Sales figures

A report of the income a company generates through sales of products or services

  1. To set up a business

To start a business

  1. To take on employees

To employ people

  1. To take out a loan

To borrow money

  1. To win a contract

When a business gets legally-binding work with an individual or company

  1. To work for yourself

To work for yourself/to not work for an employer

  1. Innovation

The introduction of new things, ideas or ways of doing something

  1. Back to the drawing board!

When an attempt to do something fails and it’s time to start all over again using different methods

  1. Bite my tongue

Wanting to say something but stopping yourself.

  1. Television advertisement

A span of television programming produced and paid for by an organization, which conveys a message, typically to market a product

  1. To take (something) into account

To consider or remember something when judging a situation

  1. To break into a market

To enter a market with the connotation that entrance to the industry was difficult.

  1. To keep one’s word

To uphold one’s promise; to do as one says

  1. To reach a consensus

To come to an agreement

  1. To go out of business

If a company goes out of business, it stops doing business permanently, especially because it has failed

  1. To make cutback

To decrease, to reduce

  1. To manage expectation

Seek to prevent disappointment by establishing in advance what can realistically be achieved or delivered by a project, undertaking, course of action etc.

  1. To make a calculation

To assess a situation and figure out (or guess) the outcome

  1. To pay in arrear

Refers to making a payment to a supplier later than the terms of the arrangement under which goods or services were purchased from the supplier.

  1. Overhead cost

Refers to regular costs required to run a business, such as rent, electricity, wages etc.

  1. White-collar

Working in an office, not a factory

  1. Blue-collar

Connected with people who do physical work in industry

  • Enhance their public image

To make their company appear more attractive to people

  1. To grow a business

To expand a business, usually a new one

  1. To gain a competitive edge

To achieve an advantage over another company or organization, often by providing the same goods or services at a lower price

  1. Maximize profits

To increase profits to the highest possible level

  1. To conduct a business

To operate a business in a particular way

  1. To be made redundant

To lose one’s job

  1. Pension scheme

A system in which you and your employer pay money regularly into a fund, to use when you retire from work.

  1. Public-private partnerships

Projects funded jointly by the government and business, to reduce the cost to the taxpayer

  1. To conduct a business

To operate a business in a particular way

  1. To go out of business

If a company goes out of business, it stops doing business permanently, especially because it has failed

  1. To earn a living

To earn money

  1. To take (sth) into account

To consider or remember something when judging a situation

  1. To make the most of something

To make something appear as good as possible; to exploit something; to get as much out of something as is possible

  1. To squander savings

To waste money by not using it to your advantage

  1. To take something into consideration/ account

To consider or remember something when judging a situation

  1. to make the most of something

To make something appear as good as possible; to exploit something; to get as much out of something as is possible.

  1. Socio-economic changes

Changes relating to the society and economy of a country

  1. Exorbitant

Much too high

Exorbitant costs/fares/fees/prices/rents

(It’s a good hotel but the prices are exorbitant.)

نکته مهم در هنگام یادگیری لغات موضوعی ایلتس با عنوان شغل این است که باید کلمات را با اصول یاد بگیرید. سعی کنید حتما تلفظ صحیح لغات موضوعی ایلتس با عنوان شغل را به همراه مثال های مرتبط آن ها در دیکشنری یا گوگل پیدا کنید.

مصاحبه ی مکالمه آزمون آیلتس با موضوع Business

برای تسلط بیشتر و بهتر در روز آزمون اسپیکینگ خود سعی کنید با مطالعه نمونه سوالات پرتکرار آزمون با موضوع شغل و بیزینس و لغات موضوعی ایلتس با عنوان شغل و تطبیق جواب سوالات با ویژگی های شخصی خود، هرچه بیشتر و بهتر برای امتحان آماده شوید. به لغات و کالوکیشن های ضروری موضوعات پرتکرار آیلتس در پاسخ سوالات دقت کنید و سعی داشته باشید که آن ها را در عبارت به خاطر بسپارید. هم چنین برای تعدادی از لغات موضوعی ایلتس با عنوان شغل، لغات هم معنی آورده شده است. با استفاده از آن ها و تنوع بخشی به پاسخ خود، گرفتن نمره ی بالاتر در آیلتس خود را تضمین کنید. نمونه سوال مصاحبه با استفاده از لغات موضوعی ایلتس با عنوان شغل در زیر اورده شده :


.Describe a small business you want to start

:You should say

  • what business it would be
  • when you want to start it
  • why you have not you started it yet
  • And explain why you want to start this business.


:Sample answer

I am really lucky to have this candidate task card topic as it is something I would be able to talk about from my heart. I am 32 and a doting father of a 4 years old daughter. Both I and my wife work and I have been planning for a while to quit my daytime job and start a small business. I personally thank you for letting me talk about it.

The small business that I have in my mind is establishing a cyber cafe in our area. The cyber cafe I have planned for would be an exclusive one and primarily target the foreign tourists who visit our area. Though there are already three cyber cafes in our locality, most tourists do not feel comfortable there as they do not have a world-class environment and high-speed internet connections. My cyber cafe would have a large zone for browsing the internet, a small cafeteria, a bookselling point and definitely a very classy environment. If I can make my cyber cafe popular, I would then plan to expand it in other tourist spots in my city.

Frankly speaking, I and my wife want to start it right now! However, from a practical point of view, it would take us another year to start it. The budget we would need to manage to launch this cyber cafe is yet to be managed and we want to start it from the savings we have without taking a loan from a bank or family members. Moreover, we would need to resign from our current jobs and then arrange a suitable location and a great interior designer for our cafe. We will also need to hire 7-8 staff members to run this business. These all seem time-consuming to me and up until last January, we were not absolutely convinced that the time has come for us to start something of our own. Probably this is the main reason we are yet to start it.

Why do we want to start it? Well, I am not satisfied with my current job. Though I get a steady amount of money per month from my job, I have little time to spend with my family, take vacations and enjoy things I feel passionate about. The office consumes more than 50 hours weekly and most of my energy and this is why I often feel stressed out. I cannot take vacations and manage time to visit my relatives. ‘Freedom’ – I guess is the reason I would like to start this business. I also want to stay close to my family and work as a free-lance journalist for a local daily newspaper. I have got only one life and I want to enjoy it and explore more possibilities.


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