آموزش رایگان آیلتسآموزش زبان انگلیسی رایگان صفر تا صد [گام به گام]

کاربرد حرف the در زبان انگلیسی : 6باید و 2 نباید بسیار مهم + مثال

the بالا برنده نمره ایلتس شماست !

حرف تعریف the پرتکرارترین حرف در زبان انگلیسی است. زمانی که حرف تعریف the را قبل از یک اسم قرار میدهیم، مطمئن هستیم که خواننده یا شنونده دقیقا میداند که اسم مورد نظر کیست .

چه زمانی از حرف the استفاده می کنیم ؟


1-استفاده از the وقتی از یک چیز خاص فقط یک عدد وجود دارد

The government, the police, the bridge, the river, the hospital

2-استفاده از the وقتی یک چیز در تمام دنیا منحصر به فرد است

The internet, the environment, the ozone layer, the atmosphere

3-استفاده از حرف the هنگام استفاده از اعداد ترتیبی

The first, the second, the third, the fifteenth

4-استفاده از the هنگام استفاده از صفات عالی

The worst, the shortest, the lowest, the most beautiful

5-استفاده از the برای نام مکان ها وقتی که نام آن مکان به یک گروه از جزایر و یا استان ها اشاره می کند

The USA, the UK, the Maldives, the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates

6-استفاده از the قبل از اسم برای توصیف ویژگی های عمومی آن اسم

.Exercise is good for the body

.The motorbike is the most common form of transport in Asia

.The role of teacher has changed in recent years

چه زمانی از حرف the استفاده نمی کنیم ؟

  • در مواردی که می خواهیم به صورت کلی صحبت کنیم ، بهتر است the را حذف کرده و از حالت جمع برای کلمه استفاده کنیم :
  • .Dogs don’t like cats
  • .People with dyslexia have reading problems
  • .Japanese cars are very reliable
  • .German products are very high quality
  • با اسم یک کشور که به صورت تکی به کار می رود :
  • Ireland, China, Vietnam, Europe, South America



در متن زیر که پاسخ با نمره ۹ یک آزمون دهنده آیلتس می باشد به استفاده از کلمه “the” دقت کنید :

I’m grateful to have such a supportive and caring family who are always there for me no matter what. We have 5 members in the house that’s always full of laughter: my parents, my two sisters and me. Even though I love them all to the moon and back, my younger sister, Jade, is the one that’s closest to me.

Jade is seven years younger than me, which might create some sense of generation gap, yet, we still get along well, or at least most of the time. She is in high school now and has a dream of becoming a doctor one day. In term of appearance, we have little in common. By that I mean while I’m kind of tall, she’s relatively short; while I take after my father, she’s my mom’s splitting image. Same thing with our characteristics. I am people-oriented and a true free spirit, Jade, on the contrary, is quite introverted and into stability. Hence, it came as a huge surprise when others acknowledge our strong bond. We’re like 2 sides of the same coin. No matter how different we are, we have never neglected or abandoned each other. In fact, we are partners in crime in so many impulsive and silly acts that our family has lost count. Once, I tried to play the victim with my uncle as I accidentally broke a crystal vase that my aunt adored, Jade backed me up as we put the blame on our poor cousin. What a shameful act! But that was years ago and we learnt our lesson the hard way. Another time when my sister’s teacher asked to meet our parents because Jade had ditched class. In her defense, that subject was boring and I was the one who talked to her teacher. In the end, Jade had to serve more time at the library and we kept this from our parents and so were many other things. We got each other’s back and we always will because that’s what sisters do and simply because I love her.


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